If you or someone you love has been prescribed a low sodium diet due to heart or other medical issues, you’ve likely been told that too much sodium is bad for your heart, but you may not know why.
The American Heart Association advises a
1,500 mg/day sodium limit for patients with heart disease.
Most Americans consume more than twice that, which can be bad for your heart and other organs.
Your body needs a small amount of sodium to function properly, but when you consume too much your body tries to dilute the excess sodium by directing more fluid into your bloodstream.
Your heart has to work harder to pump the excess fluid through your body.
This strains your heart and your blood vessels and can eventually cause high blood pressure.
Over time, high blood pressure can overwork organs like your heart, kidneys, arteries and even your brain.
This can lead to heart attack, stroke, kidney disease, osteoporosis or heart failure.
The good news is reducing the amount of sodium you consume can lower your blood pressure and your risk of heart disease and other potentially dangerous medical conditions.
By learning to identify the high sodium foods in your diet and how to shop for and cook foods that are low in sodium, you can improve your health and reduce the risk of dealing with these conditions.