The Best Low Sodium Cereal Options

Choosing a low sodium cereal makes it possible to enjoy a quick and healthy breakfast and stay within your daily sodium limit. Here are our recommendations for the best low sodium cereals you can buy.

milk being poured into a bowl of cereal with fruit

For many, cereal is a quick and easy way to enjoy a filling and healthy breakfast. Sugary options aside, cereal can be a great source of essential nutrients like fiber, protein, and iron. Cereals can also be a surprising source of sodium. 

One-half cup of Post Grape Nuts cereal contains 280 mg of sodium per serving. That may not seem high unless you consider that one serving is ½ cup of cereal. Most adults will eat at least double that. Add 100 mg of sodium from one cup of milk, and your healthy breakfast cereal can contain more than 600 mg of sodium. (Learn how to read labels here.)

close up shot of cereal squares in a white bowl with milk

Even popular cereals generally considered healthy, like Cheerios and Raisin Bran, contain 210 mg of sodium per 1-cup serving. Depending on your daily sodium limits, you may be able to fit these cereals into your diet, but these numbers could pose a problem for some.

Fortunately, lower sodium options make enjoying a bowl of cereal to start your day possible. Following are ten breakfast cereals containing 100 mg of sodium or less per serving.

milk being poured into a bowl of cereal flakes in a green bowl

The Best Low Sodium Cereal Options

These are the cereals I found that are low or no sodium. Share your favorite low sodium cereals with me so I can add them to this list.

Post Shredded Wheat Original – 0 mg sodium 

Quaker’s Puffed Rice – 0 mg sodium

Quaker Puffed Wheat – 0 mg sodium

Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-Wheats – 10 mg sodium per serving (about 15 pieces)

Post Golden Crisp (known as Sugar Crisp in Canada) – 25 mg sodium per ¾ cup 

Quaker’s Simply Granola Oats, Honey & Almonds – 30 mg sodium per ⅔ cup

Quaker’s Simply Granola Oats, Honey, Raisins & Almonds – 35 mg sodium per ⅔ cup

Kashi Heart to Heart Cereal – Honey Toasted Oat 65 mg sodium per cup

Purely Elizabeth Honey Peanut Butter Superfood Cereal with Vitamin D – 95 mg sodium per ⅔ cup

KashiGO Crunch! Protein & High Fiber Cereal – 100 mg sodium per ¾ cup

overhead shot of a bowl of cereal with milk in a white bowl with a spoon

Have questions about low sodium cereals?

Let me know by leaving a comment below. Share a picture of this recipe on Facebook or Instagram with #SaltSanity.


  1. My favorite is Bear Naked Fit Granola Cereal Vegan Vanilla Almond – 0 sodium and only 7 grams of sugar per 1/2 cup. It makes a great snack also. Bear Naked has several other choices with 0 sodium but higher sugar. They also have sodium in other flavors so be sure to check the package.

  2. Hi Danielle,
    I made your chili with turkey (delicious) but have to substitute pasta instead of beans. Can you help those of us who have to do low potassium because of diuretics?

  3. Shredded Wheat and Bran 1.25 cup per serving 2 mg sodium.

    Curious as to the “sweetened” cereals noted. How many grams of sugar?

  4. Thank you so very much for sending this to me. It helps me so much when I don’t have to look a lot of these things up . My husband and I are both disabled and you and your web site are a big blessing .Thank you,Chef Danielle

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