Start Your Low Sodium Journey Here

Starting a low sodium diet can seem scary, but it doesn’t have to be. Is it likely a big change from the way you’ve been eating? Absolutely, but I’m here to help you navigate the transition to a low sodium lifestyle and avoid the sense of overwhelm I felt when my family’s low sodium journey began. (You can learn more about my experience here.) Choosing to follow your doctor’s instructions to reduce or eliminate the sodium in your diet is a big, brave step. Here are some of the things you should know as you begin. 

Follow Your Doctor’s Orders

First, listen to your doctor. I’m sharing information, tips, recipes and products that have helped me cook delicious low sodium food for my husband but I am not a doctor and I will never offer medical advice. Nothing you read here should ever replace your doctor’s orders. Before you make any changes to the way you’re eating, check with your doctors first.

Ask Lots of Questions

Don’t be afraid to ask questions, lots of questions, all the questions you need to ask to feel comfortable moving forward. Good information from your doctors and other trustworthy, reputable sources is the antidote to feeling overwhelmed about making the switch to a low sodium lifestyle.  

Get Comfortable with the Numbers

The USDA recommendation consuming no more than 2,300 mgs of sodium each day as part of a healthy diet. The American Heart Association recommends all Americans should reduce their sodium intake to 1,500 mgs or less daily. Find out what sodium limits your doctor recommends and start from there. Your doctor’s office or health insurance may have nutritionists or dietitians available to help you chart your low sodium course. 

Low Sodium Lifestyle Starter Kit

I’ve gathered the answers to the big questions I had when my husband was first directed to start a low sodium diet and I think these articles are a great place to start. Read them. Read them again and get ready to start your low sodium journey. Have questions? Shoot me an email at chefdanielle at I don’t have all the answer but I can help you figure out where to find them. Welcome to your low sodium adventure!

Salt vs Sodium

How to Reduce Sodium in Your Diet

Why Too Much Sodium is Bad For Your Heart

Are Salt Substitutes Healthy?

What do Low Sodium Labels Mean?

How to Read Labels for a Low Sodium Diet

How to Eat Out on a Low Sodium Diet

Additional Resources

American Heart Association

USDA Nutrition

CDC Sodium Info